
Biata have a deep affinity to earth magic and a wounded, but healing relationship with celestial magic. Their feathered brows reveal not only their personality and temperament, but a distant relation to creatures of old. A nearly timeless race, Biata have mental abilities that allow them to defend and disrupt command magic, as well as access, store, and even change the memories of themselves and others.

Costuming Requirements: Feathers must be present on/ over the eyebrows, ‘talons’, and additional feathers are optional elaborations.

A Biata may have more than one feather color at a time but no more than three. See Biata National Race Packet for more information on the meanings of permitted feather colors.

Racial Skills: Resist Command, Break Command

Advantages: Biata have access to the role-play only Mental Abilities. Biata reduce the XP cost of the Brewing skill by one.

Disadvantages: Biata pay double the XP cost for the Read Magic skill. They experience psychic noise while in contact with or within a persistent Celestial effect. For the purposes of determining an individual Biata’s access to Mental Abilities, their Racial XP total is reduced by one for every 15 XP (rounded up) spent on Celestial skills, including Celestial Channeling, Celestial High Magic, Celestial Spell Slots, Dispelling Strike, Inscription, and Read Magic. The psychic noise generated by contact with Celestial Ritual effects is a roleplay effect and does not otherwise impact the ability to use mental abilities.