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Classes are used to describe your character’s natural talents. This may or may not have anything to do with your character’s profession—for example, not all rogues are thieves and not all scholars are spellcasters.

Your own physical characteristics and abilities need not match those of your chosen character but it can help you in your adventuring career if your actual physical skills are congruent with your character’s fantasy skills. Still, you are encouraged to "be all that you can’t be!"

The three main classes are Fighter, Rogue, and Scholar. Then there are the three hybrid classes: Scout is a cross between Fighter and Rogue, Adept is a cross between Rogue and Scholar, and Spellsword is a cross between Scholar and Fighter. Finally, there is Artisan which is a class all by itself.

Choosing which class you wish to play should be based upon what skills you wish to purchase, as class is out-of-game.

  • Fighter: Fighters take naturally to the physical combat arts and rely mainly on strength and stamina to accomplish their goals. They can wear any type of armor and can learn a number of interesting battle skills to aid them with their chosen weapons. If being on the frontline and bashing in the enemy is what you want, this class will give you the most power to accomplish that goal.
  •  Scout: The swashbuckling Scout can learn both fighting and rogue skills easily and so tends to become an expert at damage from any direction. They may not be able to do as much as Fighters and Rogues at their level but versatality can make up for that. Scouts can avail themselves of skills available to rogues at a reasonable price and at the same time learn basic fighting skills which can be useful, making them a threat from front and back.
  • Rogue: Rogues have a natural bent towards dexterity based skills. The lower Body Points, lighter armor and relatively high costs for combat skills does not make them well suited for front line combat roles, but Rogues always find a way to make up for this injustice. If you wish to play a sneaky, backstabbing, and cunning character, this is the class for you.
  • Adept: When it comes to skills required to get a task done, the Adept is most likely to use the fastest and most expedient means available. Their ability to cast spells, use alchemy, backstab, and use many other skills makes them very, well, adept in adventuring. They are most successful when using a combination of spellcasting and backstabbing.
  • Scholar: Scholars are good at many mental skills and the magical arts. You will find Scholars in the midst of battle throwing their spells, on the outskirts healing those in need, and deep in study in the guilds researching arcane texts and documents. Scholars cannot wear heavy armor, and weapon skills are difficult for them, but for sheer spell power, none can compare.
  • Spellsword: Spellswords are spellcasting fighters who can use a weapon as easily as they can throw a spell. Their combat training leaves them better able to fight but takes away from their studies. Spells are a bit harder for them than Scholars and weapons a bit harder for them than Fighters, but at higher levels, Spellswords are a good match for either of those two classes.
  • Artisan: The Artisan class is exceptionally tuned to the manufacturing and sale of trade items. The Artisan has power not through spells or weapons but through wealth. Artisans do not excel in weapon use or spellcasting, but can be excellent merchants, craftsmen, and pure alchemists.

Two important statistics, Body Points and Armor Points, are based on a character’s class. A character gains Body Points at a rate based on their class:

  • Fighter: 1 Body Point every 5 XP
  • Scout: 1 Body Point every 7 XP
  • Rogue: 1 Body Point every 8 XP
  • Spellsword: 1 Body Point every 9 XP
  • Adept: 1 Body Point every 10 XP
  • Artisan: 1 Body Point every 12 XP
  • Scholar: 1 Body point every 15 XP

Thus, a Fighter would receive an extra Body Point at 30 Experience, a Spellsword at 34 Experience, and an Artisan at 37 Experience. The Hardy skill can be used to purchase additional Body Points no matter what Class you are.

In addition, all classes are limited in how many Armor Points they can use. These maximum Armor Points are as follows:

The skill Wear Extra Armor allows classes to wear one point of armor above their maximums for each time the skill is purchased.

Changing Your Class

These classes are out-of-game categories to determine the amount your character will have to pay for their skills. As such, they can change so long as the skills themselves stay the same. At any time prior to the start of an event, you can choose to change your character’s class by speaking to the appropriate staff member of your character’s Home Chapter. Your actual skills will not change; only the amount you have spent to obtain them. Additionally, a character may swap their choice of Primary and Secondary schools if they reach a point where doing so would work to their advantage in terms of experience point allocation. You must have enough Experience Points available to make the change, and cannot go into negative Experience Points. Therefore, if you wish to change your class, you may have to wait until you have enough free XP to make the change. It is easier to change to and from related classes (fighter to spellsword or scout) than it is to go from one of the primary classes to another (fighter to scholar or rogue). Individual chapters may have additional out-of-game requirements not listed here.