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Make up and Prop Requirements:

Dark Elves have gray, dark blue, or purplish skin, white or silver hair, and pointed ears.

Role-playing Requirements:

When role-playing a Dark Elf, you should feel uncomfortable in the bright daylight and should prefer traveling at night. 
The primary requirement for the Dark Elf is a dedication to honor. Once their word is given, or a promise made, a Dark Elf will stick to it to the letter.
Dark Elves are absolutely certain that their race is superior to all others, and they display absolute dedication to the protection and furthering of their race.

Description from Rulebook:

Dark Elves are a mysterious race that mostly live underground, shunning sunlight. When role-playing a Dark Elf, you should feel uncomfortable in the bright daylight and should prefer traveling at night. 

Dark Elves have gray, dark blue, or purplish skin, white or silver hair, and pointed ears. They rarely socialize with other races and keep to themselves, generally considering themselves to be superior to all other races. 

The primary requirement for the Dark Elf is a dedication to honor. Their laws and culture are based around this concept in very rigid and labyrinthine ways, and are largely incomprehensible to the other races. Once their word is given, or a promise made, a Dark Elf will stick to it to the letter. Because of this, they do not give their word lightly. Swearing upon their honor, or particularly by the honor of their family, is the most solemn of Dark Elf oaths. 

This does not mean that Dark Elves cannot lie. What is important in the consideration of honor is the intent and the result that the Dark Elf is trying to achieve. In their opinion, there are times when lying is the honorable thing to do, considering the result that will come.

Dark Elves are absolutely certain that their race is superior to all others, and they display absolute dedication to the protection and furthering of their race. This does not mean that Dark Elves treat other races unfairly—just never as equals. Dark Elves often ally with other races and so treat them with honor appropriate to that relation. Regardless, Dark Elves will never betray their race or prefer another race to their own if there is ever a choice.

When Dark Elves are outside of their own lands, they do their best to follow the local laws rather than to bring dishonor upon themselves and their family. Dark Elves do not fear death. To them, an honorable and sometimes "beautiful" death is as important as a well-lived life. Many people misinterpret this attitude as meaning that Dark Elves throw their lives away, or love death more than they love life. This is not the case; they simply put as much care into the manner of their death as they do in every other aspect of their lives, and they do not understand why other races seem to fear such a natural and inevitable event.

There are occasions where death is preferable to life. One of them is when a Dark Elf has disgraced himself or herself in some way. True remorse followed by a brave and formal suicide can do much to revoke some of the grievances caused by the individual’s life, or at least make the best of a bad situation. Also, if a very heroic act will result in death, particularly if it benefits the Dark Elf race as a whole, a true Dark Elf will embrace the opportunity as they will find no better or more glorious end to their lives. Again, this is not the same as wandering through life hoping to die and dwelling upon the idea of death.

Although Dark Elves appear to be serious and dour much of the time, they are not without a sense of humor. They are not flighty and jovial, but they are passionate and when something does amuse them greatly (usually things other races might consider sick or weird), they will laugh. Some races say the laughter is even worse than their usual dour demeanor. In the same token, they are quite capable of sorrow, although it is considered excessive to weep too much. It is a sign of weakness if a Dark Elf allows him or herself to be completely overcome by emotion.

Dark Elves as a whole admire beauty, but the things they consider beautiful do not always appeal to the tastes of other races. Silence, the dark, jagged or sinuous lines and unsettling colors appeal to their aesthetic senses. Things that seem particularly ‘appropriate’ to their culture, whether actions or music or clothing, are considered beautiful even if they might otherwise seem strange or violent to others.

The sun is uncomfortably bright to this race, although it does not damage them. Given a choice if they are above ground, they would rather sleep during the day and come out at night when "It’s nice out." If someone casts a Light spell nearby, a Dark Elf will often find it momentarily painful to the eyes and be rather annoyed.

Dark Elves are capable of living for great lengths of time. They are not sure themselves how long they might live if left to it; however, due to the often deadly nature of their existence, and their lack of fear toward death, actual numbers aren’t likely to be acquired anytime soon.

Dark Elves pay half price for Archery. They can purchase the skills Resist Command and Resist Spell.