
Humans are not the only Race inhabiting the world of Fortannis. There are many fantastic and unusual beings, such as Elves, Dwarves, Hoblings, and Wylderkin. Within each Race, there are many cultures, allowing for a great deal of character development. Playing your Race means knowing and understanding the culture and society in your particular campaign—just as not all Humans are alike, you shouldn’t expect all Elves to act identically. Each Race has a national level document detailing the commonalities that its members will always share. This is commonly referred to as a Race Packet and they are accessible on the Alliance LARP website: www.alliancelarp.com/races/

Make up and Prop Requirements: All Races other than Human have a makeup and/or prop requirement associated with it. If you wish to play a non-Human, you must wear the appropriate makeup or props to distinguish yourself. Any props (such as Elf ears) must be worn at all times, even under a hood or when hidden by hair. You cannot use makeup to represent Biata eyebrows, High Ogre and High Orc teeth, or Hobling sideburns. If you have a real beard and wish to play a Dwarf, your beard must be braided so that it is clear you are a Dwarf and not just a bearded Human (if your beard isn’t long enough to braid, then you will have to wear a fake beard over your real one.) If you play a Race that requires makeup, all exposed skin must be covered with the appropriate makeup. If you don’t want to paint your hands, gloves are a good substitute. To contribute to the shared world, you must look and act the Race you are portraying. If not, you will not be allowed to continue playing the Race and will be changed into a Human.

BiataDark ElfDryad
DwarfElfHigh Ogre
High OrcHoblingHuman
OathswornSelunariStone Elf