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Alliance LARP CMA

Arcane Armor

Aspect: General
Base Difficulty: 3
Catalyst Required: None
May Be Extended: true
Base Duration: 20 Logistics Periods
Casting Time: 5
Target Type: Item Any, Spirit
Scroll Type: enchantment
NPC Only Ritual: false
Role Play Only: false

The Arcane Armor Ritual enchants a Target Item or Spirit, granting its bearer a set amount of Base Armor Points dependent upon the Ritual Level selected by the Ritual Caster at the start of its casting. Since this protection is invisible, the bearer does not need to provide physical representation for the Armor Points this Ritual Effect bestows.

Once equipped, an Arcane Armor Effect will always require a refit before its Armor Points may be used. If a character picks up an Arcane Armor item or if they were previously wearing another Base Armor instead of an Arcane Armor ritual, they would need to refit it first.

The maximum protection this Ritual Effect can provide is the sum of the maximum armor permitted by their class, plus their Wear Extra Armor skill in addition to one point for each High Magic level they possess.This Ritual Effect can be utilized at a lower level of efficiency. A scholar who obtains an Arcane Armor 30, but does not have any Wear Extra Armor skills or High Magic levels, may only gain the 15 points of protective value allowed by their class from this item.

At the time of casting, the Caster may choose to create the Arcane Armor with a lower Armor Point Value than the maximum for that difficulty level.

This ritual requires a minimum of 3 reagents to cast. Any additional reagents required by the ritual should be of the same types as listed on the ritual scroll.

  • 3:3 Reagents - up to 5 points of Armor
  • 5:4 Reagents - up to 10 points of Armor
  • 7:5 Reagents - up to 15 points of Armor
  • 11:7 Reagents - up to 20 points of Armor
  • 19:15 Reagents - up to 25 points of Armor
  • 25:21 Reagents - up to 30 points of Armor


Spellcraft Difficulty: 1 for 5 Armor Points (+1 for each 5 point armor value above 5, up to 20 Armor Points maximum)
Spellcraft Cost: 1 for 5 Armor Points (+1 for each 5 point armor value above 5, up to 20 Armor Points maximum)
Spellcraft Duration: 5 days
Spellcraft Incant: I CALL UPON THE POWER OF <aspect> MAGIC TO CRAFT THE ARCANE ARMOR <declare choices> RITUAL