
Formal Magic

You have mastered the power of battle magic, and now it is time to delve into the higher realm of what is called Formal Magic. This allows casters to use powerful Ritual Scrolls to create long-lasting magical effects far beyond what can normally be accomplished through spells alone.

Characters with High Magic can allocate some of their High Magic points to the Formal Magic ability, so long as they have mastered 9th circle spells (the prerequisite for Formal Magic). The Circle of Power spell, and deep understanding of its in-game mechanics, is a gating factor for being able to truly utilize Ritual Scrolls. Each rank of Formal Magic grants a greater chance of success for all Rituals cast during that Logistics Period; Formal Magic is not ‘used up’ when a Ritual is cast, but instead (like all High Magic abilities) lasts until the next Logistics Period starts.

Characters who have reached the point where they can cast Formal Rituals often give themselves a title of “Wizard.” Some wizards add a personal bit to this title such as “Wizard of Earth Magics” or “Wizard of Might and Power” or “Wizard of Life Healing.” It is up to each character to decide how pretentious this title should be. Some refuse to use the title at all, and prefer “Sorceress” or “Warlock” or some other title of their own making. Most people don’t bother wizards about their titles; after all, it isn’t a good idea to have a spellcaster that can cast Rituals mad at you.

The Most Important Ritual Rule: The Formal Magic system can provide fun, excitement, and enjoyment to all players. It is not designed to provide players with an excuse to unbalance, destroy, or otherwise ruin an Alliance game. The Ritual Marshals, adjudicators and other chapter staff have the final word as to the results of all Rituals and their effects within their chapter as they see fit, particularly where there are disputes about the meaning of a rule. In all cases, the decision of a staff member who feels that the Ritual rules are being abused must be obeyed.

Some examples of behavior by players that often require staff members to intercede include:

  • Players who try to force their interpretations of a rule on other players;
  • Players who try to use technical definitions of the rules to obtain advantages not intended by the Alliance or chapter staff and which therefore violate the “spirit” of the rules;
  • Players who perform actions that could be harmful or damaging to the plot or back-story of the local campaign or its players.

Moreso than other rules, Formal Magic allows significant room for interpretation. This interpretation is done by the Plot Committee, not the player. Players who argue with or harass staff members with whose interpretations of Formal Magic Rituals they disagree may have their ability to purchase Formal Magic removed.