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Racial skills that duplicate scholarly abilities do not count as scholarly skills.

The list of Scholarly Skills chart:

SCHOLARLY SKILLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarSpellswordArtisanPREREQUISITE
Channeling6664345Must have a Primary 1st level Spell Slot
Channeling (Secondary)  8885456Must have a Secondary 1st level Spell Slot
Improved Channeling  10101065661 per every 20 levels of Channeling
Create Potion  6664343Earth Spell Slot
Create Scroll  6664343Celestial Spell Slot
Dispelling Strike  7773434  1 per 30 XP in Martial or Stealth Skills, must have a 7th level Celestial Spell Slot
First Aid  2222222none
Flexible Casting  5543234Must have a 2nd level Spell Slot
Healing Arts  6642224Educated, First Aid
High Magic  444323375 XP in Scholarly Skills and a 1st level Primary Spell Slot
High Magic (Secondary)  888646675 XP in Scholarly Skills and a 1st level Secondary Spell Slot
Purifying-Draining Strike  7773434  1 per 30 XP in Martial or Stealth Skills, must have a 7th level Earth Spell Slot
Read Magic  8864446Educated
PRIMARY SPELLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarSpellswordArtisanPREREQUISITE
Level 1 Spell Slot  3321111Read Magic (Celestial) or Healing Arts (Earth)
Level 2 Spell Slot  3321112Level 1 Spell Slot
Level 3 Spell Slot  6642222Level  2 Spell Slot
Level 4 Spell Slot  6643233Level  3 Spell Slot
Level 5 Spell Slot  9963334Level  4 Spell Slot
Level 6 Spell Slot  9964344Level  5 Spell Slot
Level 7 Spell Slot  121285455Level  6 Spell Slot
Level 8 Spell Slot  121285456Level 7 Spell Slot
Level 9 Spell Slot  1515106566Level  8 Spell Slot
SECONDARY SPELLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarTemplarArtisanPREREQUISITE
Level 1 Spell Slot  6642222Read Magic (Celestial) or Healing Arts (Earth)
Level 2 Spell Slot  6642224Level  1 Spell Slot
Level 3 Spell Slot  121284444Level  2 Spell Slot
Level 4 Spell Slot  121286466Level  3 Spell Slot
Level 5 Spell Slot  1818126668Level  4 Spell Slot
Level 6 Spell Slot  1818128688Level  5 Spell Slot
Level 7 Spell Slot  2424161081010Level  6 Spell Slot
Level 8 Spell Slot  2424161081012Level  7 Spell Slot
Level 9 Spell Slot  30302012101212Level  8 Spell Slot