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Monster Types

There are a few common Monster Types across Fortannis. Most characters have at least heard of these creatures, even if they haven’t encountered them themselves. These types are common enough that NPCs are encouraged to learn their standard benefits and drawbacks, as they will likely play these types of monster quite a bit.


Regrettably, these necromantic abominations are regularly encountered in most parts of Fortannis.

Undead have no metabolism, are immune to the Alteration and Command effect groups, are often immune to Ice, and are always immune to the Poison qualifier. Some undead require special weapons to affect; for example, silver weapons will often inflict full damage where normal weapons might not.

Undead are healed by the Necromancy effect group and harmed by the Earth effect group. Anything that specifically targets undead (such as Turn Undead or Destroy Undead) will work against these creatures. A Life spell will inflict a Destroy Undead effect against an undead.

Undead generally have large amounts of Natural Armor, representing the powerful necromantic energies that animate them holding firm against any attacks. Healing ignores this armor, making it a powerful weapon against the undead. Additionally, many undead are limited in how they can use defensive abilities against Earth effect group attacks.

Most Undead turn to dust at 0 Body Points and ignore the Bleeding Out and Dead periods.


For a variety of reasons, powerful casters will create constructs (also called golems) to serve them—often long after their own death. Constructs have no metabolism, are immune to the Alteration, Command, Necromancy, and Earth effect groups, and are always immune to the Poison qualifier. Some constructs require special weapons to affect; for example, Magic weapons will often inflict full damage where normal weapons might not.

Often, constructs will take damage from Shatter effects, and may not be able to defend normally against these. If you want to harm a construct with a Shatter, you should target their body (e.g. “Weapon Strike Shatter Body!”). Constructs might be healed by rituals or specific elements (such as Flame or Lightning). Often, they are virtually mindless, following the simple commands of their creator until otherwise ordered.

Most constructs turn to dust at 0 Body Points and ignore the Bleeding Out and Dead periods.


Creatures from the primal planes existing in the ether can at times come to harry or benefit the residents of Fortannis. These elementals come in a specific form, often reflecting a known element such as Flame or Chaos but at times arriving from strange places reflecting unusual Elements.

Elementals have no metabolism, are immune to the Alteration, Command, Necromancy, and Earth effect groups, and are always immune to the Poison qualifier. Elementals are generally healed by their own element and hurt—often doubly—by the opposing element.

When struck by an elemental-targeting effect—such as Banish or Subjugate—elementals will take special effects that the living might ignore.

Most elementals disappear at 0 Body Points and ignore the Bleeding Out and Dead periods, returning to their plane of origin.