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Spell (Celestial 7)

Eldritch Force; 10 Minutes
This effect allows the control of either a golem or elemental who is subject to specific commands of the person who administered the effect: In the case of the spell, this would be the caster.

The target of a Subjugate spell will not attack the person who administered the Subjugate while it is in effect. The administrator can give the target multiple commands within the ten minute period, but the target will only follow the last one given. The caster of the spell may order the target to stop any command once it has been given without explicitly ordering the target to return to normal. For example, a caster could order a target to “Carry that person,” and then “Stop carrying that person.”

Creatures who are spirit stored in golems as defined by the game are also affected by the spell. This includes Player Characters.

While following these commands, the target is under complete control of the caster and performs the last order until that order has been completed. Afterward the target will stand and await the next order.

After ten minutes (or after the effect is countered), the victim comes out of the control and acts as normal, and has full knowledge that he or she was Subjugated and what was done during that time.

While Subjugated, the victim must perform actions to the best of his or her ability, including the use of spells, skills or innate abilities. Note that this spell cannot force a target to cast or use items that are not in his or her nature or ability to use.

The victim can defend themselves from any attackers, but if the caster attacks the victim, the Subjugate effect ends. This effect can be removed by a Dispel. The death of the caster will end the spell effect. Only one Subjugate effect may be active on the target at any one time. The most recent effect takes precedence.

Subjugate is an Eldritch Force effect, and as such does not counter or override any Command or Greater Command. Note as well that all golems are immune to Command effects.

Example: Belthivis has managed to have himself Spirit Stored into an iron golem body. He is hit with a Subjugate spell by his arch enemy Vorin and is ordered to guard Vorin and his party. Belthivis immediately does everything he can to comply. A member of Belthivis’ party then kills Vorin and the spell effect ends, freeing Belthivis.

Greater elementals may have the ability to resist the effects of the Subjugate spell.

The only valid commands that a caster can give a target while they are Subjugated are listed below. Note that the wording of a command does not need to exactly match the following but it should be similar enough to it so that the target can understand what is meant.
Guard: The target must protect the caster or any person or object he is told to guard from all attacks, theft or harm to the best of their ability, even if it requires using spells, skills, magic items or innate abilities, as long as it doesn’t go against their nature. During this time, the target of the Subjugate will not move unless to protect the object or person they’re guarding.
Follow: The target must follow the caster or anyone the caster wishes followed. The target will not attack anyone who is not attacking them.
Attack: The golem or elemental will attack a chosen target of the caster’s choosing, even if it requires using spells, magic items or innate abilities. Once the target of the attack command is on the ground, the golem or elemental will not attack and will wait for its new orders.
Carry/lift: The target will carry or lift objects and or people if it has the necessary strength to do so.
Return to normal: This command ends the Subjugate effect.

“With Eldritch Force I Subjugate you.”