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Spell Rules

The spellcaster is not immune to his or her own spells. A spell that is Returned (for example via a Bane or Reflect Spell) will affect the caster. Nor can a caster automatically dispel or deactivate their own spells, unless specifically noted in a spell’s description. For instance, a mage can drop his or her Prison or Circle of Power.

Example: Darlissa casts a Web spell at Vax the goblin. She then questions him while he is webbed. She cannot at the end of her questioning say “I hereby cancel the spell.” She must cast a Dispel, Purify, or Release spell or must leave the area as required by the spell.

Spell Defenses do not carry over from adventure to adventure. Since defensive spells last only five days, a character who has such a spell active at the end of an adventure weekend will not have that spell at the beginning of the next event.

Many effects are visible to those observing them. Shackle, Web, Paralysis, and Prison are all visible while they are in effect to any viewer who takes the time to observe them. This means you have to ask the person who is standing there things like “Are you paralyzed?” This is an out-of-game question and answer, so both parties can ask and answer this even if affected by Silence. You cannot ask “What do I see?” You must ask if you observe each individual effect until you get the right one or are stumped.

Note that Shackle and Web do not affect the head, so the affected person can yell out things in-game like “Help! I am webbed!” However, if you are affected by Paralysis or Prison, you cannot speak at all in-game and cannot “volunteer” to people nearby that you may be under the effects of a Paralysis or a Prison. They must notice you standing still and then ask you out-of-game.

In addition, the spells Wall of Force, Wizard Lock, Ward, and Circle of Power are also visible, provided that the physical representation can be seen and the viewer takes the time to observe them.

You cannot call a Hold to determine whether any visible effects are present on someone.

The amount of time it takes to ask if your character sees the effect is the amount of time it took your character to notice the effect.

Example: Finther sees Rendal standing perfectly still. He runs up to him and examines him, represented by asking him out-of-game questions such as “Are you prisoned?” and “Are you paralyzed?” Rendal may answer out-of-game yes or no. He can not stand there and say something like “I am paralyzed!” over and over again to let people know, because the effect that is on him must be observed by others and cannot be brought to their attention by his words.

This applies only to the effects listed here. You will not see any effects from someone who is Charmed, for instance.

Spell Defenses can be seen in-game as a visible and audible effect when they are used.

In-game, it is obvious to anyone looking at you that you were protected from an attacking spell. You must state what the defense is at the time by saying “Reflect Spell” or “Spell Shield,” for example, thus informing all observers that the spell was unsuccessful.