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Massive: Some creatures may swing for Massive. This weapon carrier represents a blow with immense strength behind it, so much so that no protective ability may stop it. A weapon strike made with the Massive carrier will cause damage even if it is physically blocked by a weapon or shield. A Parry or Intercept will not stop the damage, though these skills may be used to take the damage on behalf of another character within range as per the constraints of those skills. Massive will still take away Armor Points before Body Points, and may be stopped by Evade (with its normal constraints still applying), Dodge, or Phase. The Massive carrier will affect other defensive abilities in different manners depending on the ability. An expend-able defense such as Weapon Shield will not stop the attack, but will still be lost. In this case, “Weapon Shield, taken” should be called. Defenses which are not expendable (such as Prison or Threshold) will not stop a Massive attack, but will not themselves be taken down by the blow.