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Some races and NPCs can perform mental abilities such as “mind melds.” These abilities are all completely roleplaying in nature. Generally speaking, a creature with these abilities can instill or remove role-playing insanity or otherwise “cure” mental damage. A player always has the right to refuse to role-play any of these abilities and can at any time decide to “break off” the contact or be cured. A player who is a recipient of these abilities has the right to see the character card or monster card of the person performing the ability to confirm that indeed they have the skills necessary to perform that skill (a marshal may be called if the player does not wish to show his or her card to the recipient.) Note that the character on whom these abilities are being performed may be completely unconscious at the time of the use of these abilities, and thus be unable to resist. Once more, it is the player who decides whether to accept.

These abilities cannot be used to disrupt or harm someone’s character unless all parties agree out-of-game. Even so, the harmed party can choose to change his or her mind at any time, thus “freeing” himself or herself from the mind ability. However, the player so deciding cannot suddenly remember who did this to him or her if the character was previously unaware. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. In order to use this role-playing ability, the players must be touching each other and be concentrating completely by either staring in each other’s eyes or having their eyes closed. You cannot perform any Game Abilities while roleplaying this. This is performed with out-of-game conversation between the two. The conversation establishes what communication is being transmitted mentally and should be performed very quietly. Players who observe this ability being used must be careful not to listen to the conversation or else they may be accused of metagaming. It is up to the players involved to make sure that any observers know that the conversation is out-of-game. The bottom line is always: this is a roleplaying ability only and the recipient can decide at any time, and for any reason, that the mind affecting ability does not work or that the effects have worn off. No player can ever be forced against their will to have their character accept one of these role-playing only effects. Further, these abilities can never be used to tell if another character is lying or to have that character remember events forgotten due to an
Amnesia elixir or otherwise get around any Alliance rule.

"Example: Darlissa the biata has just discovered that Terin is under the effect of an Enslavement. Darlissa cannot use her mental abilities to remove Terin’s memory of his Enslavement instructions or give him new contrary instructions or otherwise attempt to get around the rules concerning Enslavement. The same is true of any other character skill purchase; mental abilities can never be used to override any of

These abilities should all take a minimum of a few minutes, and even longer for the more complicated and roleplaying intensive ones. They are not meant to be quick fixes on the battlefield (to replace a Break Command skill, for instance). Players who have Biata or Stone Elf characters should also keep in mind that for the good of the game as a whole, not every NPC will be susceptible to these abilities and most will resist your attempts. We cannot spare the time it would take to give every single orc on the field of battle a backstory and information, nor can we stop the game to grab a Plot Committee member who can marshal you going into the mind of every goblin there to try to
determine the location of the goblin camp so you can get a personal module. NPCs who have not been given specific information beforehand should always “resist” mental abilities. It should also be emphasized that not every creature has a brain that is developed enough or familiar enough to be entered.

Block/Remove Block and Trap/Remove Trap are the only two Mental Abilities that can be used by biata and stone elves on themselves. All other Mental Abilities can only be performed on others.

All mental powers should be taught in-game whenever possible from someone who already has that ability. This is a role-playing game, after all. Your Plot Committee may restrict you from using these abilities if you are not playing your race properly. If, for instance, you are a biata who carries around Celestial magic items, sleeps behind Wards, and is invested in the Mages’ Guild, expect to be told that such exposure to celestial magic has destroyed your power to perform these abilities. This also applies if you refuse to role-play negative results of some of these skills (for instance, deciding that setting off a Trap in someone’s mind only makes you uncomfortable for a few seconds). If you want the racial roleplaying advantages, you have to take the disadvantages as well.

Each ability below lists the minimum level the character must reach (to represent one’s “life experiences”) and the minimum number of XP that must be spent on Racial Abilities to “unlock” the ability. For instance, in order to have the Mind Reading ability you need to be second level and have spent at least 2 XP on Racial Skills (this includes both Resist Command and Break Command).

Racial Skill Level: Some skills make reference to your “Racial Skill level.” This is merely the amount of XP you have spent on Racial Skills. For instance, if you have spent 12 XP on Break Commands and Resist Commands, then your Racial Skill Level is 12. The Racial Skill level is important if you are placing mental Blocks or Traps and such in someone’s mind. You must tell the recipient your OOG Racial Skill level when doing this. Later, if someone tries to remove or repair what you have done, they will compare their Racial Skill Level with yours. To be successful, the character trying to remove or change the Block or Trap must have more Racial Skills than the person who placed it. Thus, if a Biata with a Racial Skill Level of 10 placed the Trap, one with a Racial Skill Level of 11 or more would be needed to get past it or remove it. The recipient will not know anyone’s Racial Skill Levels in-game. This is purely out-of-game information used to determine the success or failure of future actions. The Racial Skill Level that applies is the one at the time of the using of the skill.

"Example: Darlissa places a Block in the mind of Terin at a time when she has a Racial Skill Level of 8. Two years later, Xapano the Biata attempts to remove it. By this time, Darlissa has a Racial Skill Level of 20. However, Xapano will compare his Racial Skill Level with one of 8, not 20, as the Block was placed by someone with a skill of 8."

NPC creatures (other than NPC Biata or Stone Elves) are not limited by the Racial Skills restrictions. Biata mental abilities are related to memories, while Stone Elf abilities are related to emotions. Keep in mind that memories are not always completely true, and that two people can observe the same event and have different memories about that event. These abilities never allow you to find out exactly what happened, but only what the recipient thinks happened.

Mental Abilities

Calm (Stone Elf)
Level needed: 1; Racial XP needed: 0
This allows a stone elf to go into the mind of a willing recipient to remove instant emotional trauma and calm the person. It is a temporary fix and will not permanently remove long term emotional scars.

Mind Reading (Biata, Stone Elf)
Level needed: 2; Racial XP needed: 2
This ability allows a character to go into the mind of the recipient to observe the recipient’s memory of a specific event. This is a one-way exchange of a memory (story) in someone’s head. It takes as long to read the memory as it takes to talk it out between the players involved. The recipient cannot lie about what is seen; however, the recipient may only provide a part of the information, meaning that section of their mind is just too complicated or hard to penetrate. The length and depth of the role-play response is up to the players involved. Biata learn quickly not to fully trust this ability. When viewing a memory, the Biata’s reaction to what is seen should be the same as if that character had experienced it. The Biata does not receive the recipient’s emotional response but should have an emotional response as if they had seen it themselves. For example, if you witness horrific scenes of death on a battlefield, your character should react as if they are on that battlefield.
Stone Elven emphasis is to relate emotions as opposed to memories of the event. The recipient may only provide enough of the facts necessary to convey the emotions felt. When viewing these emotions, the stone elf’s reaction to what is seen should be the same as if the character had experienced it. The stone elf will receive the recipient’s emotional response and should have an emotional response as if they had seen it themselves. Usually, the stone elf will be able to resist the emotions but if the emotions are particularly strong, the stone elf may react against his or her will.

Mind Meld (Biata, Stone Elf)
Level needed: 4; Racial XP needed: 4
Mind melding is when two people with this skill (either Biata and/or Stone Elf) exchange thoughts without allowing others to know what they are thinking. It’s a way of communicating without being overheard. Otherwise, the communication is only one way, from the character to the recipient (of any race).

Remove Emotions / Restore Emotions (Stone Elf)
Level needed: 5; Racial XP needed: 6
This is the fixing of any emotional scars that a person may have as a result of a terrible experience. A person who is constantly depressed or scared, for instance, could have those emotions that are directly related to the cause of the depression or fear removed. Both the Stone Elf and the recipient will have very bad headaches for the next few minutes after completion. This ability will always leave “visible” scars to anyone with mental abilities who goes into the recipient’s mind. This ability can also restore emotions that had previously been removed by this method.

Block (Biata, Stone Elf)
Level needed: 6; Racial XP needed: 6
This is the setting up of a defensive barrier in order to prevent tampering with a mind. Anyone attempting to perform another mental ability (Repair, Wipe, etc.) who cannot get past the Block will be unsuccessful. The Block can also be labeled so that anyone else going into the recipient’s mind can see the label. For instance, a character might place a message or a “warning” sign on the barrier, or perhaps a symbol which could mean something to a specific person. When the Block is created, it is at the Racial Skill Level of the character. To remove the Block will take a character of a higher Racial Skill level. In other words, if a Biata with 10 Racial Skills creates a Block, a Biata or Stone Elf with a Racial Skill of 11 or more is needed to get past it or remove it. It is therefore important for any recipient of a Block to find out the Racial Skill level of the character performing the Block.

Remove Block (Biata, Stone Elf)
Level needed: 6; Racial XP needed:8
This ability can be used to permanently remove a Block placed by another character, so long as this character has a higher Racial Skill Level than the character which placed the Block. Note that Biata can remove Blocks placed by Stone Elves and vice versa.

Detect Trap (Biata, Stone Elf)
Level needed: 6; Racial XP needed: 10
A character may use this ability to detect whether a Trap has been placed in the target’s mind. It will not, however, enable them to determine the Racial Skill Level of the character who placed the Trap. Upon observing the Trap, a character can “back away” and not set it off.

Trap (Biata, Stone Elf)
Level needed: 8; Racial XP needed: 12
This is the setting up of a defensive/offensive trapped barrier to prevent tampering with a mind. It is essentially a Block with protection. If a character blunders into a Trap without trying to detect it first, the Trap will be set off and both this character and the target will be weakened, upset, and suffer from terrible headaches that could remain for hours depending on the difference in Racial Skill Levels between the character who placed the Trap and the one who set it off. A very high difference could even cause the biata and the recipient to become unconscious for a short period. Like a Block, it is important for any recipient of a Trap to find out the Racial Skill level of the character creating the Trap.

Remove Trap (Biata, Stone Elf)
Level needed: 10; Racial XP needed: 12
A character who has detected a Trap can attempt to remove it with this ability. If this character’s Racial Skill Level is higher than the one who set the Trap, it will be disarmed (this should be role-played properly.) If the one setting the trap is of a higher Racial Skill level, the Trap will be set off (see the Trap description for details), and the Trap will still remain.

Cause Pain (Biata)
Level needed: 12; Racial XP needed: 12
This ability will cause the recipient to suffer tremendous pain, but does not leave any lasting damage. The recipient will writhe around and scream in agony but will not be able to break the connection. The recipient will not lose any Body Points. All Biata and Stone Elves are immune to this ability.

Plant False Emotions / Repair Emotions (Stone Elf)
Level needed: 12; Racial XP needed: 12
With this ability, a Stone Elf can plant false emotions in the minds of their recipients. These false emotions can be limited to specific causes; for instance, the stone elf could plant a false fear of snakes in someone’s mind, or a false sense of love toward someone. This is, of course, almost always performed against the will of the recipient. This is extremely painful to both parties, who will each take half of their current Body Points as damage. The stone elf planting the false emotions suffers the effects of a Drain for ten minutes which cannot be cured (and which is, obviously, not necromantic in nature). This skill can also be used to remove these false emotions. The Racial Skill Level of the stone elves involved is irrelevant to this skill, so long as it is above the minimum.

Alteration (Biata)
Level needed: 14; Racial XP needed: 12
Alteration changes a memory in a small way while not removing or changing the underlying memory (for example, changing the memory as to who did something from one person to another, or changing the meaning of something that was said). This must be performed within 24 hours of the incident.

Repair (Biata)
Level needed: 16; Racial XP needed: 14
This is the fixing of any mental memory problem except for Blocks and Traps. Like any repair, the result will not be as strong as the original untouched mind. All repairs are seen and felt as a scar being sewn together, just like a flesh wound. Both the Biata and the recipient will have very bad headaches for the next few minutes after completion. Repairs always leave "visible” scars to anyone with mental abilities who goes into the recipient’s mind. To repair effects like Alterations and Twists, the biata must be of a higher Racial Skill level than the one who performed the ability.

Destroy Emotions / Return Emotions (Stone Elf)
Level needed: 13; Racial XP needed: 16
The Stone Elf employing this ability totally removes all sexual and aggressive drives in the recipient’s mind, making the recipient act, for all intents and purposes, like a Stone Elf. The character with the destroyed emotions will no longer feel a sense of pleasure in any activity, nor will they feel any sense of aggression, anger, or hostility. This ability allows the pure reason of the mind to exist without any of the ‘animal’ instincts. Use of this ability gives both parties a terrible migraine headache for at least an hour. It takes at least a half an hour to role-play and is very emotionally draining. Almost no recipient of this ability will allow his or her emotions to be destroyed willingly. This ability can also be used to return the recipient to normal. However, ironically, almost no recipient of this ability will allow his or her mind to be returned willingly, because logically, they would think they were better off without these base emotions. The Racial Skill Level of the Stone Elves involved is irrelevant to this skill, so long as it is above the minimum.

Restore (Biata)
Level needed: 14; Racial XP needed: 16
Restore is a complete restoration of a damaged area of memory. This is a rebuilding to make it as good as new, without any “visible scars.” The restoring gives both parties a terrible migraine headache for at least an hour and will leave both under the effects of a Weakness for that hour, which cannot be cured by normal means. It takes at least five minutes to role-play and is very emotionally draining. Having a stone elf nearby is probably a good idea. To restore effects like Alterations and Twists, the Biata must be of a higher Racial Skill Level than the one who performed the ability.

Repair Blast (Biata)
Level needed: 15; Racial XP needed: 18
This is the repair of one’s mind against their will (“their will” being the character’s will, not the player’s will). Remember that a player can always refuse to accept a mental skill. This is extremely painful to both parties, who will each take half of their current Body Points as damage. The Biata doing the forced repair suffers the effects of a Drain for ten minutes which cannot be cured (and which is, obviously, not necromantic in nature). To repair effects like Alterations and Twists, the Biata must be of a higher Racial Skill Level than the one who performed the ability.

Twist (Biata)
Level needed: 16; Racial XP needed: 20
This is an advanced form of Alteration. A Twist can change up to 30 minutes’ worth of a memory into something completely different. It must be performed within 24 hours of the incident.

Destroy Moral Code / Return Moral Code (Stone Elf)
Level needed: 16; Racial XP needed: 22
The Stone Elf employing this ability totally removes all sense of morality in the recipient’s mind, but otherwise leaves the recipient’s personality intact. The character with the destroyed moral code will no longer have any sense of morals, guilt, or selflessness. Furthermore, they will be incapable of being taught any new sense of morality while this is in effect. These characters will act only to fill their own wants and needs, with no thought of others. Use of this ability gives both parties a terrible migraine headache for at least an hour. It takes at least a half an hour to role-play and is very emotionally draining. Almost no recipient of this ability will allow his or her moral code to be destroyed willingly. This ability can also be used to return the recipient to normal. However, ironically, almost no recipient of this ability will allow his or her mind to be returned willingly, because they would think they were better off without these pesky moral codes. The Racial Skill Level of the stone elves involved is irrelevant to this skill, so long as it is above the minimum.

Advanced Alteration (Biata)
Level needed: 17; Racial XP needed: 22
This is the same as Alteration but can be done at any time after the incident.

Advanced Twist (Biata)
Level needed: 18; Racial XP needed: 24
This is the same as Twist but can be done at any time after the incident.

Freeze (Biata)
Level needed: 19; Racial XP needed: 26
This is the removal or altering of one’s memory up for to one year of time, replacing even Alterations and Twists. In this instance, one memory is removed and another is put in its place. The fixer must have a Biata lodestone in use. Since this is so major to someone’s character, the Plot Committee must have a description of the change in writing within 30 days or it will reverse itself.
Like a Restore, this gives both parties a terrible migraine headache for at least an hour and will leave both under the effects of a Drain for ten minutes, which cannot be cured by normal means (and which is, obviously, not necromantic in nature). It takes at least a half an hour to role-play and is very emotionally draining. Having a stone elf nearby is probably a good idea.

Wipe (Biata)
Level needed: 20; Racial XP needed: 30
This is the removal of one’s memory, leaving nothing in its place just a blank empty void. This is equal to ripping out memories with a machete. It’s very messy and painful, and the recipient is left with no memory of the period being wiped. The amount of time it takes to wipe a memory is equivalent to the time spent performing the wipe. To take out five minutes of memory will take five minutes of role-playing. Thus it is impossible to take out a lifetime of memories with this ability. This skill can never be used to take away a recipient’s Game Abilities or learned skills. In the end, both parties will have severe headaches for the same amount of time as the wipe.

Cure Insanity (Stone Elf)
Level needed: 20; Racial XP needed: 30
This is the most difficult of the Stone Elf abilities, because the mind is such a complicated thing that insanity is often more of a physical ailment than a mental one. As such, use of this ability is often unsuccessful, and even if the insanity is seemingly cured, it may reappear at any time. Since there are so many types and degrees of insanity which could be affecting a character, it is up to the Stone Elf and the recipient to role-play it accordingly based on the type and degree of insanity involved.