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Skill Costs

On the following pages are the charts listing the Experience Point costs for each skill based on each class. Note that any class can buy any skill; they just might have to pay more Experience Points for it.

When buying skills, be sure to check the prerequisites. For instance, to buy Weapon Proficiency, you must first have a weapon skill to be proficient in and two Critical Attack skills to trade in. To learn Alchemy, you must first be Educated and must know Herbal Lore.

These charts are organized based on the three main classes (Fighter, Rogue, Scholar) and the classes that come between them. Since a Scout is a cross between a Fighter and a Rogue, it is listed between those two classes, and since an Adept is a cross between a Rogue and a Scholar, it is placed accordingly. A Spellsword is between a Scholar and a Fighter, and Artisan stands alone.

Each class is the best at something. Fighters specialize in Weapons and Martial skills. Rogues specialize in Stealth skills. If you want both Proficiencies and Backstabs, the Scout is the best. Scholars are the best at spells, and Adepts are best at a combination of spells and Backstabs. Spellswords are best at a combination of spells and Weapon Proficiencies, and Artisans are the best at a wide variety of crafting skills.

Your character will probably be more well rounded and take more than one basic skill, so the best thing to do is to pick the skills you would really like to eventually have for your character and then figure out which class is best for you.

Remember: This is not a computer game or a battle game; it’s a role-playing game. Don’t create your character based on what statistics will give you the most power. Decide what kind of character you would enjoy playing first and then decide which skills to buy. Choose a race and a personality and it will help you decide the skills that would go along with that character.

If you are choosing many types of skills, you may end up with numbers which show that there is not much difference between the classes. For instance, if you are making a character that is a good fighter, can throw spells, is good at backstabs, and can throw alchemy, you may not be able to tell which class is best for you until you decide how you will eventually start specializing in one of these things. Just keep picking skills until it is obvious that one class is better than the others, and then when you create your character you will know which class is best for your long term goal. Keep in mind that you can change your character’s class over time if something else turns out to be a better fit based on how they grow within the game—you’re not locked forever into what you first choose.