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RACIAL SKILLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarSpellswordArtisanPREREQUISITE
Break Command2222222Biata, Stone Elf, Sylvanborn
Racial Evade6666666Hobling
Racial Resolute2222222High Ogre, High Orc, Oathsworn
Resist Binding4444444Dryad
Resist Command4444444Biata, Dark Elf, Elf, Stone Elf, Sylvanborn
Resist Curse4444444Selunari
Resist Element3333333Dwarf, Oathsworn
Resist Spell5555555Dark Elf
Resist Necromancy4444444High Ogre
Resist Poison4444444Dwarf, High Orc, Hobling

WEAPON SKILLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarSpellswordArtisanPREREQUISITE
Archery  66681288none
Florentine  4666866none
One Handed Blunt  3445655none
One Handed Edged  55571077none
One Handed Weapon Master  78810141010none
Polearm  8121212161212none
Shield  6101010121010none
Small Weapon  2222222none
Staff  4444444none
Style Master  10151515201515none
Thrown Weapon  2444444none
Two Handed Blunt  68881288none
Two Handed Sword  8121212161212none
Two Handed Weapon Master  10161616201616none
Two Weapons  2444444Florentine
Weapon Master  15202020252020none


MARTIAL SKILLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarSpellswordArtisanPREREQUISITE
Blacksmith  3344433none
Combined Strike  1515151212101275 XP in Scholarly Skills and 60 XP in Martial Skills
Critical Attack  3356736Any Weapon Skill
Destruction-Stun Blow  45668581 per 45 XP in Martial Skills
Empowered Strike  55544341 per 20 XP in Martial Skills, must have a 3rd level Spell Slot
Eviscerating Blow  571414147141 per 60 XP in Martial Skills
Fast Refit  23456321 per Blacksmith level
Foundation Strike  44433231 per 10 XP in Martial Skills, must have Read Magic
Hardy  56667661 per character level
Intercept  22344241 per 10 XP in Martial Skills
Improved Slay  22444341 per 30 XP in Martial Skills
Magisterium Strike  44433231 per 10 XP in Martial Skills, must have Healing Arts
Mettle  34566451 per  20 XP in Martial Skills
Parry  44888581 per  30 XP in Martial Skills
Precise Blow  33445351 per 20 XP in Martial Skills
Repel Strike  23445351 per 20 XP in Martial Skills
Resolute  23445351 per 25 XP in Martial Skills
Riposting Blow  44458581 per 60 XP in Martial or Stealth Skills
Shatter-Disarm Strike  34567471 per 20 XP in Martial Skills
Sleep-Enfeeble Blow  45677571 per 45 XP in Martial Skills
Slay  22444241 per  30 XP in Martial Skills
Weakness-Shun Strike  45668581 per 30 XP in Martial Skills
Weapon Proficiency  3666866Critical Attack x2 (plus 1 for each existing Weapon Proficiency)
Wear Extra Armor  1111111none

SCHOLARLY SKILLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarSpellswordArtisanPREREQUISITE
Channeling6664345Must have a Primary 1st level Spell Slot
Channeling (Secondary)  8885456Must have a Secondary 1st level Spell Slot
Improved Channeling  10101065661 per every 20 levels of Channeling
Create Potion  6664343Earth Spell Slot
Create Scroll  6664343Celestial Spell Slot
Dispelling Strike  7773434  1 per 30 XP in Martial or Stealth Skills, must have a 7th level Celestial Spell Slot
First Aid  2222222none
Flexible Casting  5543234Must have a 2nd level Spell Slot
Healing Arts  6642224Educated, First Aid
High Magic  444323375 XP in Scholarly Skills and a 1st level Primary Spell Slot
High Magic (Secondary)  888646675 XP in Scholarly Skills and a 1st level Secondary Spell Slot
Purifying-Draining Strike  7773434  1 per 30 XP in Martial or Stealth Skills, must have a 7th level Earth Spell Slot
Read Magic  8864446Educated
PRIMARY SPELLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarSpellswordArtisanPREREQUISITE
Level 1 Spell Slot  3321111Read Magic (Celestial) or Healing Arts (Earth)
Level 2 Spell Slot  3321112Level 1 Spell Slot
Level 3 Spell Slot  6642222Level  2 Spell Slot
Level 4 Spell Slot  6643233Level  3 Spell Slot
Level 5 Spell Slot  9963334Level  4 Spell Slot
Level 6 Spell Slot  9964344Level  5 Spell Slot
Level 7 Spell Slot  121285455Level  6 Spell Slot
Level 8 Spell Slot  121285456Level 7 Spell Slot
Level 9 Spell Slot  1515106566Level  8 Spell Slot
SECONDARY SPELLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarTemplarArtisanPREREQUISITE
Level 1 Spell Slot  6642222Read Magic (Celestial) or Healing Arts (Earth)
Level 2 Spell Slot  6642224Level  1 Spell Slot
Level 3 Spell Slot  121284444Level  2 Spell Slot
Level 4 Spell Slot  121286466Level  3 Spell Slot
Level 5 Spell Slot  1818126668Level  4 Spell Slot
Level 6 Spell Slot  1818128688Level  5 Spell Slot
Level 7 Spell Slot  2424161081010Level  6 Spell Slot
Level 8 Spell Slot  2424161081012Level  7 Spell Slot
Level 9 Spell Slot  30302012101212Level  8 Spell Slot

STEALTH SKILLSFighterScoutRogueAdeptScholarSpellswordArtisanPREREQUISITE
Alchemy6534463Herbal Lore
Assassinate41124441 per 30 XP in Stealth Skills
Back Attack5333766Any Weapon Skill
Backstab6636866Back Attack x2 (plus 1 for each existing Backstab)
Counteract43234441 per 10 XP in Stealth Skills
Create Trap6434663none
Dodge86568881 per 30 XP in Stealth Skills
Doom Blow126561212121 per 60 XP in Stealth Skills
Enhanced Strike66534441 per 20 XP in Stealth Skills, must have a 3rd level Spell Slot
Evade54346551 per 20 XP in Stealth Skills
Fear-Berserk Blow75558771 per 45 XP in Stealth Skills
Herbal Lore6534463Educated
Improved Assassinate42224441 per 30 XP in Stealth Skills
Opportunistic Attack42225441 per 60 XP in Stealth Skills
Silence-Stun Blow65457661 per 30 XP in Stealth Skills
Sleep-Paralysis Blow53236551 per 15 XP in Stealth Skills
Slow-Weakness Blow54346551 per 20 XP in Stealth Skills
Surprise Attack876798890 XP in Stealth Skills
United Blow1515151012121275 XP in Scholarly Skills and 60 XP in Stealth Skills